The Act on the Protection of Personal Information ("APPI") regulates privacy protection issues in Japan and the Personal Information Protection Commission ("PPC"), a central agency acts as a supervisory governmental organization on issues of privacy protection.
The APPI was originally enacted in 2003 but was amended and the amendments came into force on 30 May 2017. On 5 June 2020, the Japanese Diet approved a bill to further amend the APPI ("Amended APPI"). The Amended APPI came into force on April 1, 2022. Also, there was a separate data protection law for public sector. However, the data protection law for public sector was integrated into the APPI and became effective on April 1, 2022 (the data protection law for local governments became effective after April 1, 2023).
Last modified 1 Jan 2024The Act on the Protection of Personal Information ("APPI") regulates privacy protection issues in Japan and the Personal Information Protection Commission ("PPC"), a central agency acts as a supervisory governmental organization on issues of privacy protection.
The APPI was originally enacted in 2003 but was amended and the amendments came into force on 30 May 2017. On 5 June 2020, the Japanese Diet approved a bill to further amend the APPI ("Amended APPI"). The Amended APPI came into force on April 1, 2022. Also, there was a separate data protection law for public sector. However, the data protection law for public sector was integrated into the APPI and became effective on April 1, 2022 (the data protection law for local governments became effective after April 1, 2023).
Last modified 1 Jan 2024Personal Information is information about a living individual which can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth or other description contained in such information. Personal Information includes information which enables one to identify a specific individual with easy reference to other information. According to the guidelines issued by the PPC, "easy reference to other information" means that a business operator can easily reference other information by a method taken in the ordinary course of business. If a business operator needs to make an inquiry of another business operator to obtain the "other information" and it is difficult for the business operator to do so, such a situation would not be considered an "easy reference to other information".
Personal Information includes any "Personal Identifier Code". A Personal Identifier Code refers to certain types of data specified under a relevant cabinet order of the APPI, and includes biometric data which can identify a specific individual, or data in the form of a certain code uniquely assigned to an individual. Typical examples of such code would be passport numbers or driver's license numbers.
Sensitive information includes information about a person's race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal record, any crimes a person has been a victim of, and any other information that might cause the person to be discriminated against. Obtaining sensitive information generally requires consent from the data subject. Additionally, the "opt out" option (discussed below) is not available for third party transfer for sensitive information-prior consent is basically required from the data subject to transfer the sensitive information to a third party.
"Anonymously Processed Information" refers to any information about individuals from which all personal information (i.e. the information that can identify a specific individual, including any sensitive information) has been removed and such removed personal information cannot be restored by taking appropriate measures specified in the enforcement rules and the relevant PPC guidelines. As noted above, Personal Information includes personal identifier codes, so these must also be removed before information is considered anonymized.
If a business operator has sufficiently anonymized the information, it can be used beyond the purpose of use notified to the data subjects or disclosed to third parties without requiring the consent of the data subjects. However, care must be taken in anonymizing the information before disclosure; a failure to completely sanitize the information could result in the disclosure of Personal Information. Additionally, before disclosing the Anonymously Processed Information to a third party, a business operator must publicly state (likely in its privacy policy) the items of information (for example, gender, birth year and purchase history) included among the Anonymously Processed Information, and the means by which it shares the Anonymously Processed Information.
Given the high hurdle of utilizing Anonymously Processed Information, such information has been less utilized than originally expected. The Amended APPI introduces the concept of "Pseudonymously Processed Information", which is the information that is processed so that such information is (i) not able to be used to identify a specific individual; but (ii) is able to be de-crypted by referencing other information. For example, Pseudonymously Processed Information is information in which names, addresses, and other similar such information are replaced with a random string of characters. Unlike normal Personal Information, a business operator can change the utilization purpose of Pseudonymously Processed Information at its own discretion (i.e. a business operator does not need to obtain consents from data subjects to change the utilization purpose). It is expected that business operators may utilize Pseudonymously Processed Information for internal data analytics purposes.
The Amended APPI defines information which is related to personal matters, but that does not fall under the definition of Personal Information as "Personally Referable Information". The definition of Personally Referable Information is quite vague, but based on the guidelines issued by the PPC, it includes, among other things, a web browsing history collected through the terminal identifier such as cookie information, a person’s age, gender or family makeup that are linked to his / her email address, a person’s purchase history of goods and / or services, a person’s location data, or a person’s area of interest. The handling of Personally Referable Information is not regulated as Personal Information, but prior consent from data subjects would be required to transfer Personally Referable Information in certain circumstances as discussed below.
Last modified 1 Jan 2024The PPC has been tasked with providing many of the details necessary to interpret and enforce the APPI. The PPC issues guidelines for general rules for handling Personal Information, offshore transfer, confirmation and record requirements upon provision of Personal Information to third parties and creation and handling Anonymously or Pseudonymously Processed Information. The PPC is neutral and independent, and it has the power to enforce the APPI. However, it will only have the right to perform audits and issue cease and desist orders; it will not have the power to impose administrative fines and criminal penalties.
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