Kilograms to Stone and Pounds

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kg to stone, lb chart

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pounds to kg chart

Use the kilograms, stone and pounds converter to carry out conversions between weight units, with additional conversion tables and formulas.

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How many kilograms are in a stone?

There are 6.35029318 kg in one stone. In turn, one stone is equal to 14 pounds (avoirdupois).

Kg = St × 6.35029318

Quick reference weight charts

The stone is often used for measuring human body weight. You can use the quick reference tables below for weight conversions between 60kg to 110kg (first table) and 8 stone to 13 stone (second table). For weights above and below these figures, please use the links underneath the tables.

Kilograms to stone (and pounds)
KilogramsStoneStone and pounds
60 kg9.45 stone9 stone, 6.3 lb
62 kg9.76 stone9 stone, 10.7 lb
64 kg10.08 stone10 stone, 1.1 lb
66 kg10.39 stone10 stone, 5.5 lb
68 kg10.71 stone10 stone, 9.9 lb
70 kg11.02 stone11 stone, 0.3 lb
72 kg11.34 stone11 stone, 4.7 lb
74 kg11.65 stone11 stone, 9.1 lb
76 kg11.97 stone11 stone, 13.6 lb
78 kg12.28 stone12 stone, 4 lb
80 kg12.6 stone12 stone, 8.4 lb
82 kg12.91 stone12 stone, 12.8 lb
84 kg13.23 stone13 stone, 3.2 lb
86 kg13.54 stone13 stone, 7.6 lb
88 kg13.86 stone13 stone, 12 lb
90 kg14.17 stone14 stone, 2.4 lb
92 kg14.49 stone14 stone, 6.8 lb
94 kg14.8 stone14 stone, 11.2 lb
96 kg15.12 stone15 stone, 1.6 lb
98 kg15.43 stone15 stone, 6.1 lb
100 kg15.75 stone15 stone, 10.5 lb
102 kg16.06 stone16 stone, 0.9 lb
104 kg16.38 stone16 stone, 5.3 lb
106 kg16.69 stone16 stone, 9.7 lb
108 kg17.01 stone17 stone, 0.1 lb
110 kg17.32 stone17 stone, 4.5 lb
Conversions are rounded. Full chart is here.
Stone (and pounds) to kilograms
Stone and lbPoundsKilograms
8 stone, 0 lb112 lb50.80 kg
8 stone, 1 lb113 lb51.26 kg
8 stone, 2 lb114 lb51.71 kg
8 stone, 3 lb115 lb52.16 kg
8 stone, 4 lb116 lb52.62 kg
8 stone, 5 lb117 lb53.07 kg
8 stone, 6 lb118 lb53.52 kg
8 stone, 7 lb119 lb53.98 kg
8 stone, 8 lb120 lb54.43 kg
8 stone, 9 lb121 lb54.88 kg
8 stone, 10 lb122 lb55.34 kg
8 stone, 11 lb123 lb55.79 kg
8 stone, 12 lb124 lb56.25 kg
8 stone, 13 lb125 lb56.70 kg
9 stone, 0 lb126 lb57.15 kg
9 stone, 1 lb127 lb57.61 kg
9 stone, 2 lb128 lb58.06 kg
9 stone, 3 lb129 lb58.51 kg
9 stone, 4 lb130 lb58.97 kg
9 stone, 5 lb131 lb59.42 kg
9 stone, 6 lb132 lb59.87 kg
9 stone, 7 lb133 lb60.33 kg
9 stone, 8 lb134 lb60.78 kg
9 stone, 9 lb135 lb61.23 kg
9 stone, 10 lb136 lb61.69 kg
9 stone, 11 lb137 lb62.14 kg
9 stone, 12 lb138 lb62.60 kg
9 stone, 13 lb139 lb63.05 kg
10 stone, 0 lb140 lb63.50 kg
10 stone, 1 lb141 lb63.96 kg
10 stone, 2 lb142 lb64.41 kg
10 stone, 3 lb143 lb64.86 kg
10 stone, 4 lb144 lb65.32 kg
10 stone, 5 lb145 lb65.77 kg
10 stone, 6 lb146 lb66.22 kg
10 stone, 7 lb147 lb66.68 kg
10 stone, 8 lb148 lb67.13 kg
10 stone, 9 lb149 lb67.59 kg
10 stone, 10 lb150 lb68.04 kg
10 stone, 11 lb151 lb68.49 kg
10 stone, 12 lb152 lb68.95 kg
10 stone, 13 lb153 lb69.40 kg
11 stone, 0 lb154 lb69.85 kg
11 stone, 1 lb155 lb70.31 kg
11 stone, 2 lb156 lb70.76 kg
11 stone, 3 lb157 lb71.21 kg
11 stone, 4 lb158 lb71.67 kg
11 stone, 5 lb159 lb72.12 kg
11 stone, 6 lb160 lb72.57 kg
11 stone, 7 lb161 lb73.03 kg
11 stone, 8 lb162 lb73.48 kg
11 stone, 9 lb163 lb73.94 kg
11 stone, 10 lb164 lb74.39 kg
11 stone, 11 lb165 lb74.84 kg
11 stone, 12 lb166 lb75.30 kg
11 stone, 13 lb167 lb75.75 kg
12 stone, 0 lb168 lb76.20 kg
12 stone, 1 lb169 lb76.66 kg
12 stone, 2 lb170 lb77.11 kg
12 stone, 3 lb171 lb77.56 kg
12 stone, 4 lb172 lb78.02 kg
12 stone, 5 lb173 lb78.47 kg
12 stone, 6 lb174 lb78.93 kg
12 stone, 7 lb175 lb79.38 kg
12 stone, 8 lb176 lb79.83 kg
12 stone, 9 lb177 lb80.29 kg
12 stone, 10 lb178 lb80.74 kg
12 stone, 11 lb179 lb81.19 kg
12 stone, 12 lb180 lb81.65 kg
12 stone, 13 lb181 lb82.10 kg
13 stone, 0 lb182 lb82.55 kg
Conversions are rounded to 2 decimal places. Full chart is here.

If you're trying to calculate your weight, you may wish to use your figure with the BMI calculator or BMR calculator.

How to convert kilograms to stone

One stone is equal to 6.35029318 kg. To convert kilograms to stone, divide your kg figure by 6.35029318.

How to convert kilograms to stone AND pounds

If you want to know how many stone and pounds (as a whole, not distinct) there are in X kg, try the following:

  1. To begin with, divide your kilograms figure (X) by 6.35029318 to get your full stone value including decimal. The whole number (the value before the decimal point) represents your stone figure (Y).
  2. Take the decimal figure from step 1 and multiply it by 14 to get your pounds figure (Z).
  3. This gives you your answer of X kg = Y st and Z lb.

Should you wish to convert kilos to pounds only, you can use the converter here.

How to convert stone to kilograms

As there are 6.35029318 kilograms in a stone, to convert stone to kilograms you simply multiply your stone figure by 6.35029318.

How to convert stone AND pounds to kilograms

If you want to know how many kilograms there are in X stone and Y pounds, try the following:

  1. One stone is equal to 6.35029318 kg. So, multiply your X stone figure by 6.35029318 to give you the first figure.
  2. One pound is equal to 0.45359237 kg. So, multiply your Y pounds figure by 0.45359237 to give you the second figure.
  3. Add your first figure and second figure together to get your total Z kg.

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