Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) , the public can access and review B.C. government records. You can ask for records that contain :
Last updated: May 19, 2023
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You can request records that are held by a provincial government ministry or agency.
If you want to request records from other public organizations outside of the provincial government, you need to contact them directly. For example, Crown Corporations, school districts, health authorities or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) all process their own requests for records.
Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA), a public body may choose to withhold or be required to withhold sensitive information. Find a full list of what's exempt from freedom of information requests in Part 2 of the Act.
There are 2 types of fees that may apply to general information requests: Application fees and processing fees.
There are no fees for personal information requests.
Application fees:
Processing fees: There may also be processing fees for large or complex requests. You'll be notified if processing fees are required.
Requests can take up to 30 business days. The time to respond may be extended if:
A file is created: Your request is received, assigned a file number and assigned to a team at Information Access Operations for processing. If payment was not made, you will receive a payment reminder.
Records are gathered: If your request generates a processing fee, you will receive a letter with information about your options for what happens next. Once all clarification and/or fees have been resolved, the ministry or agency that holds the records will continue to process your request.
A legislative review is conducted: The team reviews the records for your request to make sure you get everything you requested and that information that must be withheld is severed. A stamp corresponding to specific relevant sections of the FOIPPA legislation is added to the record to indicate the reason why the information is being withheld. If needed, the team consults with other ministries or organizations.
The release of records is approved.
A response package is sent: Most records are shared electronically.For personal information requests, you will need to show identification or verify your identity before you can receive the records.
Contact the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) within 30 business days of receiving a response to your request.