You don’t have to sell ornamental products through an exporting company, retailer or flower auction. Those kind of businesses will disappear in the supply chain, says CEO Erwin van Cooth of the new, because of e-commerce.
The Dutch entrepreneurs who have taken over the bankrupt mail order company last spring, are now starting up various business models. „We don’t have the illusion that mail order is a business model for the future,” says Van Cooth in an exclusive interview with Dutch magazine for hardy nurserystock ’De Boomkwekerij’.
The new Bakker is fully committed to e-commerce: selling ornamental products fresh from growers directly to consumers in various countries. The company will do this through their own webshop, but also through market places such as Amazon. „Because Amazon is international leading in e-commerce.”
The new Bakker is quite ambitious: they want to be the biggest e-commerce platform for green products in Europe. CEO Van Cooth has a lot of experience with online sales, as he used to be manager home, garden and DIY products at big Dutch retailer Recently Bakker appointed Saskia Bax as new chief marketing officer, she used to be marketing director of another leading Dutch retail chain Intertoys.